Our Blog
With nearly 2 decades of experience, Western Pest Control is your go-to resource for information and DIY tips and tricks regarding pest control. Check out our blogs below to gain some valuable knowledge!
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Rodent infestations are a common problem for Utah homeowners, especially during colder months when mice and rats seek shelter indoors. This blog provides practical tips for identifying the signs of a rodent infestation and offers prevention strategies to protect your home.
As winter approaches in Utah, pests like mice, spiders, and cockroaches start seeking warmth and shelter indoors. For homeowners, this means it's crucial to prepare your home to keep these unwelcome guests out.
Utah is home to several types of cockroaches, each with unique characteristics. These include the German Cockroach, American Cockroach, and Oriental Cockroach. Knowing how to identify and deal with these pests can help keep your home roach-free.
Did you know that pests cause billions of dollars in damages annually across the United States? Santa Clara is no exception. Whether it's termites silently eating away at your home or rodents causing chaos in your attic, recognizing the early signs of a pest infestation can save you time, money, and stress.
Bed bug eggs are tiny, measuring about 1mm in length, resembling a tiny grain of rice. They are oval-shaped and white, almost translucent.
Preventing termite infestations not only saves homeowners from potential financial losses but also preserves the integrity of their properties. Here's a comprehensive guide on termite prevention tailored for the unique conditions of Southern Utah.
Finding rodent feces in your home? Learn how to identify rat vs mouse droppings and how to safely remove the poop with easy-to-follow steps.
Earwigs, those mysterious and often misunderstood insects, have long been the subject of curious fascination and, at times, unwarranted fear among humans.
Centipedes are often considered a nuisance pest due to their creepy appearance and the fact that they can quickly scuttle across surfaces with their many pairs of legs. Despite their unsettling presence in households, centipedes actually play a beneficial role in controlling othe